Christmas is coming and so do the thieves. I have several life experiences since I work in the retail store. The most recent one was last week. Two Italian young men came to look for Mont Blanc pens. They were exchanging conversation in Italian. One was trying to get my attention away while the other one grabbed the pens out of the show case when I was talking to his friend. He slipped one pen in his sleeve while he was holding on the other one pretending he is looking at the pen. I saw all these at the corner of my eyes. I turned, grabbed both pens from him and put them back in the show case and continued on my presentation. I was SO ANGRY but I kept cool. I turned to him with a straight face, asked him if he is trying to pull a fast one on me in an angry voice. It’s not so much of the store loosing the money, it made me felt that he is trying to tell me that I’m so stupid that he can steal in front of me! I felt insulted and that’s why I was angry. I should have let him stole the pens and called the police. Then, I have to write a report, descript what they look like even thought we have a video camera in the store and all these that they might still get away. Last year, I let an old man got away with a crystal ornament because I didn’t see him taking it but I knew he did which I’m still angry at myself. Thank God it’s just a part-time job.
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