Friday, November 05, 2004

Mississauga Train Derailment
Twenty five years ago a CP train carrying six dangerous ingredients derailed. There was a massive explosion and within two hours residents were evacuated. In total, 218,000 people were asked to leave their homes.
I remember that day as of yesterday. We gave Cin a birthday party with all her friends at noon. We lived in an apartment on the eleven floor. Cin looked out the window and told us there was something strange far away. I looked and saw the fire not too far away from us not knowing where. In less than 15 minutes, there was a knock on the door and asked everybody to evacuated out of the area. Well, we had to send the kids home, luckily the parents were there. Now, my husband had to decide where we were going. We packed some clothes and phoned my brother who lived in Brampton at that time to stay at their house. My brother was a senior management at Proco and they made those tanks that the train was carried. We were out of the apartment for 2 weeks because of the dangerous ingredients that was leaked out. When we got back, we were told to check all the clothes, food had to be destroyed, had to drink bottle water for awhile. Thank God it was on a weekend and everybody was home. Later on, we found out the incident occurred two miles away from us. Something in life that we’ll never forget!


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