Wednesday, March 31, 2004


recruit class picture

recruit class picture2

Here are the new recruits of Spring 04. They have 5 more weeks to go before graduated. I bet you can not tell which one is me! :) The middle person with three stripes on the shoulder is the Chief of Training. The middle row are all Training Officers except me.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

I saw a special licence plate said "WAS HIS" on my way to work. Ha Ha!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

I saw a video on TV on various gas stations, how a single spark can set a person on fire. Unfortunately, public awareness is so low! Apparently, getting in and out of the car by rubbing against the seat can get a static that might sets the person in flame. You're suppost to discharge yourself by touching something that's metal before entering your car. Now, how often we all practice this?

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


My poor dog is getting so blind now a day. He bumps onto everythings. Last week he felt half way down the stairs while we're sleeping and my husband has to install a gate to stop him to go downstairs by himself. Whenever I want to give him a treat, I have to put the treat right against his whisker and nose. I watched him yesterday through the window when he was outside his yard, he ran so fast that he hit the fence and bounsed backward. He was crying. We don't let him go to the our backyard by himself because he walked into the pond last fall and was swimming along side with the fish and couldn't get out. Our Vet said there's nothing we can do. Laser surgery doesn't work on all dogs and he'll learn to live with it. :(

Monday, March 22, 2004

Yeah, Wow, I have my own blog. One for Mommmmmcy. Ha Ha.
Thanks cin